John Dawson

My academic experience, working as an Assistant Professor with a solid research background and teaching various online and face to face courses. I am interested in developing a career that combines teaching and research while maintaining my interest in health data analysis and data science with computer application and the broader STEM field.

  • Email:

  • Mailing Address: Department of Mathematics, The Best Math Room 9876, Toronto ON, M5S 2E4

  • Office: 199B MATH

  • Office Hours:

    • Mon: 10:15-11:05, 12:15-1:05

    • Tue: 2:15-3:05

    • Thu: 10:15-11:05

    • Fri: 11:15-12:05


Course chair and instructor:

  • STAT 3410 - Probability and Statistics (2013F, 2014F, 2015F, 2016F & 2017F)

  • STAT 3411 - Statistical Inference I (2014W & 2019F)

  • STAT 4590 - Statistical Analysis of Data I (2016W)

  • STAT 4410 - Statistical Inference II (2017F)

  • STAT 6505 - Survival Analysis (2014F, 2016F & 2018F)

  • STAT 6561 - Categorical Data Analysis (2020W)

  • MED 6260 - Applied Data Analysis for Clinical Epidemiology (2014W, 2015W & 2016W)


  • STAT 697A & STAT 697B - Graduate Seminar in Statistics (2016F & 2017W, 2018F & 2019W)

Guest Lecturer:

  • MED 6393 - Human Molecular Genetics (2016F)

  • MED 6390 - Population Genetics (2017W)

  • MED 6395 - Genetic Epidemiology (2018W)


My research interests lie in the area of Groups, Rings, Lie and Hopf Algebras. The results obtained by me (often in cooperation with my colleagues) deal with the following matters:

  • Identical relations and varieties of Lie and associative algebras and superalgebras,
  • Enveloping algebras and representations of Lie algebras and superalgebras,
  • Automorphism groups of certain Lie algebras,
  • Structure and representations of locally finite Lie algebras,
  • Algebras with actions and coactions of Hopf algebras,
  • Graded algebras and applications.

I have written some monographs and textbooks (#3 below with my former students):

  • Doe, J. A. Lectures on Lie algebras. Lectures given at Humboldt University, Berlin and Lomonosov University, Moscow. Studien zur Algebra und ihre Anwendungen [Studies in Algebra and its Applications], 4. Akademie-Verlag, Berlin, 1978. viii+126 pp.

  • Doe, John. A. Identical relations in Lie algebras. Translated from the Russian by Bakhturin. VNU Science Press, b.v., Utrecht, 1987. x+309 pp. ISBN: 90-6764-052-2

  • Doe, John A.; John, Pablo A.; Petro, Viktor M.; Mark, William V. Infinite-dimensional Lie superalgebras. de Gruyter Expositions in Mathematics, 7. Walter de Gruyter & Co., Berlin, 1992. x+250 pp. ISBN: 3-11-012974-4

  • Doe, John Basic structures of modern algebra. Mathematics and its Applications, 265. Kluwer Academic Publishers Group, Dordrecht, 1993. x+419 pp. ISBN: 0-7923-2459-5

The most recent published papers include:

  • Doe, John.; Pablo, Helmut. Locally finite-dimensional simple Lie algebras. Mat. Sb. 185 (1994), no. 2, 3-32.

  • Doe, John.; Pablo, Georgia M.. Highest weight modules for locally finite Lie algebras. Modular interfaces...AMS/IP Studies in Math. 4 (1997), 1-31.

  • Doe, John.; Zaico M. V. Identities of graded algebras. J. Algebra 205 (1998), no. 1, 1-12

  • Doe, John.; Linco, Vitaly. Identities of algebras with actions of Hopf algebras. J. Algebra, 202 (1998), 634 - 654.

  • Doe, John; Gondo, Davida; Montgomery, Susan. Bicharacters, twistings, and Scheunert's theorem for Hopf algebras. J. Algebra 236 (2001), no. 1, 246-276.

  • Doe, John. A.; Pablo, S. K.; Mark, M. V. Group gradings on associative algebras. J. Algebra, 241 (2001), 677-698.

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